
Financial Abundance Breakthrough Bootcamp

God wants us to live in abundance so why not have financial wellness!  Learn practical, social, and emotional strategies resulting in financial well-being. You learn how to deal with emotions stopping you from establishing, monitoring, and evaluating your personal financial budget. In addition, you learn how your beliefs can impact your ability to budget effectively. By the end of 6-weeks you will  develop a comprehensive budget that includes all expenses (fix and variable), all sources of income, how to release debt, and save responsibly. You will also taught how to complete the forecasted budget for the remainder of the year. If you interested in this 6-Week Bootcamp. Please contact for upcoming dates.


Spiritual Clinic: Alignment with God

A vision was given to heal others and hence the Spiritual Clinic was birthed. Spiritual Sometimes we forget who we are due to life's twists and turns ups and downs but God never does. If you have questions like the ones below, this 8-Week Clinic is for you! Please contact us for upcoming dates.

  • Who am I?
  • Why am I here?
  • When will I step into my calling?
  • What can I do to get there?
  • How will it be done?


Entrepreneurship Clinic: Doing Business God's Way*

Developed to help Entrepreneurs to do business God's way! A Sometimes you may feel stuck in the rut. You had a wonderful Business concept and you saw the vision but somehow you are going in circles. You have a passion, talent, and or skill you can monetize but do not know how. Your feel like giving up because you do not have the resources. STOP! Let us help learn and explore:

  • Why you want to do it in the first place.
  • How your story births your why.
  • What makes your niche different from others.
  • Who is your client.
  • Where you can avail yourself some support.
  • The importance of schedules and prioritizing your tasks.
  • Where to market.
  • Introduction to Personal Budgeting.
  • Introduction to Business Finance.
  • How not to stress.

If you have questions like the ones above, this 10-Week Clinic is for you! Please contact us for upcoming dates.


My Spiritual Growth

"My Spiritual Growth" is a goals and accountability system.

It is meant to be grounded in both personal goals and devotion.

By working together, we are meant to help one another work towards meeting our individual goals. All aspects of your life is visited

  • Spiritual Growth
  • Self-Love/Healing
  • Health and Fitness
  • Finances
  • Relationships (Family/Friends/Romantic)
  • Career/Job
  • Personal Growth
  • Education
  • Business (Entrepreneurial)
  • Community Impact (Giving back, social causes)
  • Home Life
  •  Other (Whatever you want this to be)

For each area of focus you will find a biblical scripture that will guide your path and inspire your actions. It should be one you can continuously come back to. These goals have 2 objectives. 

The goals would have two objectives:
Firstly, to ground us in what we want to accomplish, positive changes we want to make or habits we want to build in our lives. 

Secondly, to remind us that in everything we do we must make space to honor God with both worship and action. 


For God so loved the world He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life! John 3:16

You can participate in any of our ministries from anywhere in the world because we are WORLDWIDE as our ministry is remote!